What is the coolest thing you have ever seen? Was there a single moment that changed your life forever? Changed the way you viewed the world and maybe your direction of purpose in life even?



What is God’s relationship with the Environment or Creation? Is caring for creation a moral issue or an economical one?


As we approach our half-way point its time to give you some creative freedom. We’ve looked at patterns in Nature, Hybrid creative Creatures, and using natural elements to create abstract pieces of Art. Now it’s up to you to put these art ideas and your own into something unique and creative. There are so many changes happening in our environment, in Gods creation, some good and some bad. I want you to choose a topic and share it using Art.


Some issues the world is facing right now include:

Global warming (Polar Ice caps melting), energy shortage (fossil fuels running out), food shortages (causes deforestation), pollution (garbage island, acid rain, urban centers), endangered species and extinction (habitat loss, over hunting/fishing/invasive species/plants and animals), Genetically modified food,  and many, many more.


Your job is to investigate an issue, it can be local or global, but must be of interest to you! Sometimes we can’t necessarily do anything directly about an issue, but we can do is educate ourselves and raise awareness about the topic.

Part 1: So how do you share your topic? It can be a poster, a short video, a sculpture, a painting.

Part 2: An invention to help fix the wrongs in our creation, okay, you’ve found the problem, lets create a solution. Dream, imagine, inspire, create.













We want you to be good stewards of creation, which means we want you to be careful and responsibly manage something entrusted to your care, creation. Afterall, this big mess we’re in is your big mess of the future, and you might be the ones to have to fix it.
