This is the home of all Biology 11 course material

The course outline can be downloaded here: Biology 11 outline

Our first Project is Origins Exploration Project it is due Friday Feb 12, 2014



Power Point for Taxonomy: Taxonomy Power Point Spring 2014

Taxonomy Study Guide Questions and Vocab Due Monday Feb 12, 2014







Dichotomous Key Example: dichotomous_key

Dichotomous Key online: Fish Identification

Dichotomous Key: Trees of the Pac NW

Create your own.










Review for Evolution: Worksheet – Origins

Taxonomy/Evolution Test Outline: Bio 11 Review for Test Evolution Taxonomy

Idea Center: Irreducible Complexity 

Bombardier Beetle: Youtube



Power Point for Ecology: Ecology Spring 2014

There are some cool videos on the power points as well. If you come across any cool videos as well, please email them to me!






Schedule for Ecology:

Mini lab (Fri Feb 28th):  Bio 11 Ecology predator_prey_graphing

Ecology Project (Wed March 5): Bio 11 Ecology Business of Awareness

Study Guide Questions (Thursday March 6th)

Friday March 7th Field trip for Ecology: Quadrat Set Up: Instructions
Test Tuesday March 11th




Power Point: Viruses and Immunity

Power Point: Bacteria (Monera) 

Virus research project download: Bio 11 Virus Research 2014

You must also complete a Bubbl concept map for the microbiology vocab found on the power point. March 14th. Link to bubbl on the main page.

Virus Replication: Video

HIV Replication Video

BLocking HIV Replication Video

Curiosity: Battlefield Cell Video

Pandemic 2 Video Game

Basic Bacteria Collection Lab: Here

Microbiology Lab for completion: Bacteria lab and review

Microbiology Test Review Questions: Bacteria pretest review

Key Questions:

Predictions, thoughts and questions:

  1. Do you think you will find viruses, bacteria and fungi in your petri dish? Explain your answer.
  2. Why do the micro organisms require the Agar medium and certain humidity and temperature settings to grow?
  3. What are your predictions for the surfaces which will harbor the most mirco organisms. Why do you think this is?
  4. What are precautions you can take in the future to prevent the spread of micro organisms in your daily life.
  5. Discuss the differences between antibiotics, antiseptics and disinfectants. Which is the most important for the PREVENTION of illness?
  6. What two types of bacterial reproduction might we expect to see? Give an advantage and disadvantage of each type.
  7. Give an example of a beneficial bacteria.
  8. Will you be a germaphobe by the end of this unit? Expain.


Microbiology Test Study Outline
















Project: Seedless Plants Comparison Project spring 2014
List of BC plants: Flora Guide
Seaweeds of BC: Seaweeds in BC PDF
Power Point: Seedless Plants April 2012

Power Point Part 2: Seedless Plants Part 2 2012

Moss and Ferns Lab: Bio11 Lab Moss and Fern 2014

Prothalium Further Explained: Link

Test Outline: Seedless Plants Test outline


Powerpoint: Seed Producing plants spring 2012

Download: Bio 11 Field Guide

Download: Field Guide for Kindergarten

Download: Thorne Supremacy

Download: ANGIOSPERM and GYMNOSPERM Comparison

Download: Seed Producing Plants Test outline

Download: Trees of Oregon



UNIT H: Animal (Lower Invertebrates)

May 21/22: In my absence you’ll have a lot to do. Please download and begin the review sheet here. (Bio 11 Marine Animals without a Backbone) All info can be found in the presentations below. You must also have your quizlet vocab completed and you can begin study guide questions if you haven’t already. We’ll have a mini lab monday and possibly dissect starfish on friday.

Download: Bio11 Animals Lower Invertebrates

Download: Bio11 Animals Lower Invertebrates Part 2

Download: Bio 11 lower inverts TEST outline

Download: Marine Species of Coast Salish Sea

Bio 11 Survey of Marine Invertebrates Project

Bio 11 Inverts_Key_Phyla

Summary of Phylum Nematoda, round worms: Here

Lab: EchinodermAnatomy

Vocab for Quizlet:

cephalization, closed circulatory system, coelom, endoskeleton, exoskeleton, filter feeding, invertebrates, medusa, motility/motile, nerve net, organ, organ system, parasite/parasitic, polyp, sessile, symmetry, tissue, vertebral column, heterotroph, porifera, cnidarian, echinodermata, annelida, mollusca, nematoda, platyhelminthes, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry, sac like body plan, one way digestive system, gamete, zygote, polymorphism, metamorphism, broadcaster, hermaphrodite, amoebocyte, spicule, nematocysts, polymorphic, ,

Bio 11 Final Presentation: Phylum/Class of your choice.

We will discuss in the project during class.

Download the criteria here: Bio11 Final Project

Bio11 Final Project rubric