Hello everyone and welcome. Here you will find the digital download of all powerpoints and information used in class in order.

Please download powerpoints and necessary files before class starts in order to pre-read.

Fetal Pig Dissection: Link


Bio Digital Human: Link

Power Points and Student Resources

Unit A: Chemistry of Life

Power Point: Chemistry of Life part 1 Spring 14   Chemistry of Life Part 2 (Updated)

Importance of Water: Dehydration InformationIRP Requirements: Bio-12-IRP-requirements-Macro-Molecules-and-DNA-23xhvnz

Additional Files: Bio 12 Macromolecules Summary Sheet

Additional Files: Bio 12 Biological Molecule Construction

Digital Links: check these out for sure

National Geographic: Freshwater

Canadian Government: Info on water

Man vs. Wild: HydrationHydration?

People are awesome.

DNA is Awesome

Vocabulary: Quizlet. For this chapter we will be using quizlet to create vocab list.


acid, acid (carboxyl) group, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), amine group, amino acid, base, beta pleated sheet, bonding, buffer, carbohydrate, cellulose, dehydration synthesis, dipeptide, disaccharide, glucose, glycerol, glycogen, hemoglobin, hydrogen bonding, hydrolysis, lipid, lubricant, maltose, monomer, monosaccharide, neutral fat, nucleic acids, nucleotide, organic, peptide bond, pH, phosphate, phospholipid, polarity, polymer, polypeptide, polysaccharide, primary structure, protein, quaternary structure, R-group, saturated fatty acid, secondary structure, solvent, starch, steroid, temperature regulator, tertiary structure, unsaturated fatty acid,




Unit B: Cytology (Study of Cells):

UNIT B study guide questions and Cell Vocab sheet below are both due at the start of class on Tuesday October 11.

Powerpoint Resource: Cytology Part 1 2011 and Part 2 Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic and surface area

Vocab Sheet to work from: Cell Vocab

Organelles Summary sheet: Organelles Summary


cell membrane, cell wall, cellular respiration, chloroplast, chromatin, chromosome, cristae, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, Golgi bodies, lysosome, matrix, mitochondria, nuclear envelope, nuclear pore, nucleolus, nucleus, organelle, polysome, ribosome, rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, vacuole, vesicle

Bio 12 Cell model Spring 2013

30 awesome things under a microscope

microscope 9 slides



HELPFUL LINKS: Khan Academy: Parts of a cell video. Great resource

Harvard Bio Vids: the cell like you’ve never seen it before & the more technical version with narration



Unit C: DNA and its Functions


adenine,alpha helix,complementary base pairing, cytosine,uracil,nitrogenous base, thymine,sugar-phosphate backbone, guanine, double helix,deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), deoxyribose,ribonucleic acid (RNA),ribose,complementary base pairing, DNA helicase, DNA polymerase, nucleotides, recombinant DNA, replication, semi-conservative replication, amino acid, anti-codon, codon, DNA sequence (genetic code), elongation, environmental mutagen, genetic disorder, initiation, messenger RNA (mRNA), mutation, polypeptide chain, ribosomes, termination, transcription, transfer RNA (tRNA), translation

This weeks notes: DNA – Student Fill in the Blanks

Powerpoint DNA and Evolution

Powerpoint: Mutations and Recombinant DNA

DNA STrawberry Lab:DNA Strawberry extraction

Learn Genetics! Here

Download the Codon Table

Download:Bio 12 IRP requirements Macro Molecules and DNA (PDF)

Download: Bio 12 IRP requirements Macro Molecules and DNA (DOCX)

Video: DNA Transcription/Translation

Video: Translation

Video: Replication

Video: Replication Part 2

Video: DNA Transcription/Translation Part 2

Links to awesome things:

Journey into Human DNA: Nova

Coding for Snorks: Whats a Snork?


Unit D: Membrane Structure and Function

Cell Membrane Power Point: Bio 12 Cellular Membranes


active transport, carrier protein, channel protein, cholesterol, concentration gradient, diffusion, endocytosis, exocytosis, facilitated transport, fluid-mosaic membrane model, glycolipid, glycoprotein, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, osmosis, passive transport processes, phagocytosis, phospholipid, phospholipid bilayer, pinocytosis, pressure gradient, selectively permeable, surface area-to-volume ratio, tonicity

Links to awesome things:

Our digital BFF: Khan Academy Diffusion and Osmosis


Unit E: Enzymatics

Enzymatics Powerpoint 1: Bio 12 Enzymatics Spring 2013

– Link to Digestive Enzymes: Here

– Link to interesting read on ATP: Here

– Create a vocab crossword puzzle: Here


active site, activation energy, anabolism, biochemical reaction, catabolism,  coenzyme, competitive inhibitor, denature, endothermic reaction, exothermic reaction, enzyme (E), enzyme activity, enzyme concentration, enzyme-substrate complex (E-S),  heavy metal, induced fit model, metabolism, non-competitive inhibitor, pH, proteins, substrate (S), substrate concentration, thyroid, thyroxin, vitamins, lock and key model,

Links to awesome things:

Unit F: Digestive System

Vocabulary: Bio12 Digestion Powerpoint

absorption, anaerobic bacteria, anus, appendix, bile, capillary, cardiac sphincter, chemical digestion, digestive enzyme, digestive tract, duodenum, emulsification, epiglottis, esophagus, gall bladder, gastric juice, hydrochloric acid (HCl), insulin, intestinal juice, lacteals, large intestine (colon), lipase, liver, maltase, microvillus, nuclease, pancreas, pancreatic amylase, pancreatic juice, pepsin, pepsinogen, peptidase, peristalsis, pH, pharynx, physical digestion, protease, pyloric sphincter, rectum, salivary amylase, salivary gland, salivary juice/saliva, small intestine, sodium bicarbonate, stomach, swallowing, trypsin, villus

Links to awesome things:

Bio 12 Digestion Project 2014

For Lunch!

National Geographic Expore the Human Body

Unit G: Circulatory System

Power Point: Bio 12 Circulatory System and Part 2 Bio 12 Circulation Fall 2011 Part 2

Bill Nye The Science Guy: Heart Episode.

Circulation Board Game: CirculationGame

Handouts: Bio 12 circ Main Blood Vessel Functions

Lab: Bio 11 Pig Heart Dissection

Review PDF: Circulation and Respiration Review


anterior vena cava, antibody, antigen, aorta, arterial duct atrioventricular valve, autonomic nervous  system, atrioventricular (AV) node, blood, blood pressure, blood velocity, blood vessel, capillary-tissue fluid exchange, carotid artery, chordae tendineae, coronary artery, coronary vein, diastolic pressure, fetal circulation, heart rate, hepatic portal vein, hepatic vein, hypertension, hypotension, iliac artery, iliac vein, jugular vein, left atrium, left ventricle, lymph capillaries, lymph node, lymphatic system, lymphatic veins, mesenteric artery, oval opening, plasma, platelets, posterior vena cava, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary circulation, pulmonary trunk, pulmonary veins, Purkinje fibres, red blood cell, renal artery, renal vein, right atrium, right ventricle, sinoatrial (SA) node, semi-lunar valve, septum, subclavian artery, subclavian vein, systemic circulation, systolic pressure, total cross-sectional area, umbilical artery, umbilical vein, valve, veins, venous duct, vessel wall, white blood cell

Links to awesome things:


Bio Digital Human: Link

Bio Digital Human Presentation Requirements:


Show Rib Cage (Bones of the thorax)


Cardiovascular System:

Isolate circulatory system: the heart

Leave the vessels of the thorax.

Show with major blood vessels aorta and vena cava.

Show blood vessels the pulmonary circuit and thorax.

Isolate the pulmonary circulation

-Remove abdomen, pelvis and lower limb vessels


Be able to use Cross Section: Anterior


Conditions: Blood Heart and Circulation.

Breathing and Beating heart.  While cross section.

Healthy Heart: Just beating

Heart conduction system.



Select all four chamber of the heart and discuss the function.


Unit H: Respiratory System

Powerpoint: Bio12 Respiration 2011

How cellular respiration and mitochondria work: Video


alveoli, aortic bodies, bicarbonate ions, bronchi, bronchioles, carbaminohemoglobin, carbon dioxide, carbonic anhydrase, carotid bodies, cilia, diaphragm, exhalation, external respiration, hydrogen ions, inhalation, intercostal (rib) muscles, internal respiration, larynx, lungs, mucus, nasal cavity, oxygen, oxyhemoglobin, pH, pharynx, pleural membrane, reduced hemoglobin, respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata, respiratory tract, ribs, stretch receptors, thoracic cavity, trachea

Links to awesome things:


Digital Animation of the muscles of breathing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L3dM3hinuo




Unit I Nervous System

Bio 12 Nervous System IRPNervous System Project Jan 2012Nervous System Vocab

Powerpoint: PP Nervous System May 2014

Webquest: Nervous System Webquest

Review Sheet on NS organization: Nervous System quick review

Cash Course You Tube: Nervous System

Khan Academy:5 Video Summaries


Sodium Potassium Pump
Saltatory Conduction

Neuronal Synapse

Action Potential

DOWNLOAD: Sheep Brain Dissection

Sheep Brain Dissection Guide

Virtual Dissection

Test Outline:

Structural divisions (Central Nervous System vs. Peripheral Nervous System)

Functional Divisions (Somatic vs Autonomic, Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic)

– How doe the functional systems effect different organs?

Afferent (sensory), Interneuron, Efferent (Motor) neurons: Direction, function.

Basic lobe divisions, simple brain structures and their functions. Hempispheric specialization, Corpus callosum.

Parts of a Neuron.

Saltatory Conduction/action potential: Nerve impulse, Na, K, Pumps, channels, depolarization, repolarization etc.

Synapse structures and function.


Vocabulary (Note, see vocab sheet above for an organized version)

acetylcholine (ACh), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), action potential, adrenal medulla, adrenalin, “all-or-none” response, autonomic nervous system, axomembrane, axon, axoplasm, calcium ion, cell body, central nervous system, cerebellum, cerebrum, contractile protein, corpus callosum, dendrite, depolarization, effector, excitatory neurotransmitter, hypothalamus, impulse, inhibitory neurotransmitter, interneuron, medulla oblongata, meninges, motor neuron, myelin sheath, myelinated nerve fibre, neuroendocrine control centre, neuron, neurotransmitters, node of Ranvier, norepinephrine, parasympathetic division, peripheral nervous system, pituitary gland, polarity, postsynaptic membrane, potassium gate, presynaptic membrane, receptor, reflex arc, refractory period, repolarization, resting potential, saltatory transmission, Schwann cell, sensory neuron, sodium gate, sodium-potassium pump, somatic nervous system, sympathetic division, synapse, synaptic cleft, synaptic ending, synaptic vesicle, thalamus, threshold value

Links to awesome things:

Amazing Brain:


Khan Academy:


Discovery Channel


Psychology Intro to Nervous System:


Unit J: Urinary System


antidiuretic hormone (ADH), adrenal cortex, afferent and efferent arterioles, aldosterone, ammonia, Bowman’s capsule, collecting duct, glomerulus, glucose, homeostasis, hypothalamus, kidney, loop of Henle, metabolic waste, nephron, nitrogenous waste, osmotic gradient, peritubular capillary network, pH, posterior pituitary, pressure filtration, proximal and distal convoluted tubules, reabsorption of water, renal artery, renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pelvis, renal vein, selective reabsorption, tubular excretion, urea, ureter, urethra, urinary bladder, urine

Links to awesome things:


Unit K: Reproductive System


Power Point: Human Reproduction

Menstrual Cycle Animation: Here

Ovarian and Uterine Cycle: Here




acrosome, anterior pituitary, cervix, clitoris, corpus luteum, Cowper’s glands, ductus (vas) deferens, endometrium, epididymis, estrogen, follicles, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), follicular phase, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), head, homeostatic regulation, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), hypothalamus, implantation, interstitial cells, luteal phase, luteinizing hormone (LH), menstruation, midpiece, ovarian cycle, ovaries, oviducts (fallopian tubes), ovulation, oxytocin, penis, positive feedback mechanism, progesterone, proliferative phase, prostate gland, scrotum, secretory phase, seminal fluid, seminal vesicles, seminiferous tubules, sperm, tail (flagellum), testes, testosterone, urethra, urethral opening, uterine cycle, uterus, vagina

Links to awesome things:


DURING MY ABSENCE: While Im away you will have a research project to work on. You may work alone or in a group up to 3 people. I’ve attached some links for you which will help your research project, but feel free to hunt for others (NO WIKIPEDIA). You may select any illness or condition related to a human body system. I have listed several common ones next to each system. This is a chance for you to do some research into an area of interest, perhaps personally or simply educationally.

You will need to complete the intro questions/assignment for the system which is most directly related to your topic. You will also need to complete a presentation using powerpoint/video/posterboard which answers the questions found HERE in a professional manner. You will then share your presentation to other groups. (In order to save time, we will not have groups presenting individually to the class)

Super Links!:  Health and Systems Info and Human Body Systems research links


Nervous SystemBio12 Nervous research intro questions

Common diseases and illnesses related to the nervous system: stroke, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease

Circulation SystemBio12 Circ System Intro Questions

 Common diseases and illness related to circulation: Fibrillation, Heart attack, Atherosclerosis

Respiration SystemBio 12 resp research intro

Common diseases and illnesses related to respiration: Emphysema, Lung cancer,  Pneumonia, Tuberculosis

Digestive SystemBio12 Digestion research info

Common diseases and illnesses related to digestive systems: Ulcers, Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Celiac disease

 Reproductive SystemBio12 Reproduction intro questions

Common diseases and illnesses related to reproductive systems: Prostate cancer, Ovarian cancer, Endometriosis

Introduction to Biology 101: Professor Site