I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the concept of Grace lately. I didn’t really began to understand what grace was until I became a parent.  We teach and preach grace at school, church and in our families but do we really know what it means to be filled with grace, to demonstrate grace or even to be saved by grace? So for our next project, I want us to really exam grace. God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

Read the following ‘short’ piece on grace, and then begin to reflect on the questions below.

What is Grace? How would you define it for someone who isn’t a christian, or has never heard of it.

Why is it important to us as Christians?

Why does is separate Christianity from other religions?

How much grace are we given by God?

How much grace are we expected to extend to others?

Is grace a free ticket to live any kind of life you want?

Have you truly had a revelation of the Grace of God?

In a brief paragraph, reflect on a specific time when you were shown grace.

After the questions, its time for the project.

You make work in pairs, you are to create a short ‘parable’ about Grace, designed for a primary student. You may work in pairs and your story may be illustrated how ever you wish. It may be a video, short story, dramatic performance, digital piece, or comic. Whatever you like. The idea is to be so clear in your understanding of grace, that you could explain it to anyone. There are a few examples given in the hyperlinked article.